Registration Information
A complete application form, including an updated CV and a personal statement of research interests, and a reference letter from advisor / supervisor should be submitted to the Summer School Secretariats by e-mail: (IMPORTANT:the application deadline is 13 Apr 2018).
Targeted Participants
- Postgraduate (doctoral and master students) with limited senior undergraduate, and professionals working in the area of Ecotoxicology, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science, Fishery Management, Oceanic and Atmospheric Science are welcome to attend the summer school.
- The number of participants will be limited to 50, including NTOU (7), XMU (7), SKLMP (7), PKU (7), and 22 from other institutions
Credits and Awards
- A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants who have successfully completed the summer school.
- Best oral and poster presentations will be awarded with special prizes
- Best group oral presentation;
- Best poster presentation.
- The Summer Course is a one- to two- credit unit postgraduate course.
- To obtain 1 credit unit, postgraduate students are required to achieve full course attendance, to give a poster presentation and a group oral presentation.
- To obtain 2 credit units, postgraduate students are required to fulfil all requirements listed above and to write a report / review article to a special topic covered in the course.