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[109學年度海洋中心包埋機/組織切片機教育訓練公告事項] 各位老師同仁及同學您好 1.請欲參加同學於9月28日(星期二)前至填寫報名表,為維持教學品質,未報名同學將無法參加講習,若人數過多會再行篩選通知。 Students who like to participate should submit the registration form before Tuesday, September 28th. Students not registered will not be eligible to participate in the training. Moreover, there will be a selection of trainees if there are too many applicants. 2.各項實驗技術講習講義將陸續彙整公告於中心網頁,請欲參加同學自行下載列印,本中心將不再提供講義紙本。 The lectures on various experimental techniques will be announced in the CEO website Please printout the lecture notes in advance since the center will not provide handouts. 3.講習課程資訊連結 Course information link : 瀏覽數