
計畫名稱: 台俄雙邊共同合作研究計畫─
主持人: 周文臣 海洋環境化學與生態研究所
合作單位: RAS FEB俄羅斯科學院遠東分院
計畫期限: 2013~2015
補助單位: 行政院國家科學委員會
計畫摘要: 對馬暖流起源於東海陸棚上黑潮的分支,經對馬海峽流入日本海貫穿了整個海盆後,再經北方的韃靼海峽與宗谷海峽匯入鄂霍次克海。易言之,對馬暖流可扮演輸送帶的角色,將東海的物質向日本海傳輸。近年來由於中國大陸人口不斷增加,經濟高速發展,使得由長江輸入東海營養鹽的量持續地攀升,造成了長江口外沿岸海域優養化現象的發生,進而導致夏季時東海底水低氧區域分布面積不斷的擴大。上述人為活動的影響,極可能透過對馬暖流的傳輸,亦對日本海的海洋環境產生深遠的衝擊。本研究擬與俄羅斯科學院遠東分院太平洋海洋研究所水文化學實驗室合作,共同探討東海優養化現象是否會透過對馬暖流的傳輸,進而影響到日本海海水的二氧化碳系統以及其它相關化學水文參數的分布特徵?具體研究內容可分為下列兩項:(一)執行一共同探測航次,以驗證台、俄雙方歷史實驗數據之可對比性;(二)共同分析台、俄雙方過去20 年來,分別在東海和日本海所收集到之碳化學及其它相關化學水文參數之變動情形,並探討兩者之連動性,以釐清東海優養化現象是否可藉由對馬暖流的傳遞對日本海的海洋環境產生影響。 

The Tsushima Current, originating from a branch of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea (ECS), enters the Sea of Japan (JS) through the Korea/Tsushima Strait. It travels northeastward along the west coast of Japan, and eventually flows into the Sea of Okhotsk via the La Perouse Strait and Strait of Tartary. The Tsushima Current can, therefore, act as a conveyer belt to transport materials from the ECS into the JS, and thereby affecting the marine environment of the JS. Due to the rapid development of industry and increased agricultural production associated with the growth of the Chinese population, the export of dissolved inorganic N from the Changjiang increased threefold between 1970 and 2003. The elevated nutrient discharge has led to some ecological consequences, including harmful algal blooms and hypoxia events, both of which have been increasing rapidly in frequency in the ECS since the 1990s. It is thought that the eutrophication in the ECS is very likely to impact the biogeochemical cycles in the JS via the flow of the Tsushima Current. The objective of this study is to examine if the eutrophication of the ECS may affect the carbonate system and hydrochemical characteristics of the JS. We propose cooperating with the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry of the Pacific Oceanological Institute in the Far Eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences to conduct this project. First, the Taiwanese and Russian groups would organize a joint cruise to verify the comparability of all kind of historical chemical data between the two groups. And then the two groups would share historical data each other; the data of the ECS will be provided by the Taiwanese group, while the data of the JS will be from the Russian group. Finally, the Taiwanese and Russian scientists would work together on analyzing the merged data set to explore if there is any relationship between the temporal variability of carbonate system and chemical hydrography in the ECS and that in the JS over the past two decades. By doing so, we may answer the question “Will the eutrophication in the ECS affect the hydrochemical environment of the JS?”

