
[海洋中心教育訓練 Core Facilities Training of the Center of Excellence for the Oceans]

海洋中心針對新購入儀器:聲波聚焦流式細胞儀 (Thermo Flow cytometry Attune XT)即時定量核酸反應系統 (ABI real-time PCR QS1)舉辦教育訓練,請欲參加同學於03月17日 (星期二)前填寫報名表,為維持教學品質,未報名同學將無法參加講習,若人數過多會再行篩選通知。報名詳情請參閱中心網頁:http://www.ceo.ntou.edu.tw/files/11-1048-7116.php?Lang=zh-tw
Students who like to participate should submit the registration form before Tuesday March 17th. Students not registered will not be eligible to participate in the training. Moreover, there will be a selection of trainees if there are too many applicants.The Core Facilities The detail of training will be announced in the CEO websitehttp://www.ceo.ntou.edu.tw/files/11-1048-7116.php?Lang=zh-tw .

